Maventic Technical Question

Technical Round Question (Pattern in C/C++)

In one of the recent interviews (Technical Round 2) of Maventic, the following design pattern was asked

In this article, I'm going to explain, how we can easily achieve this design pattern in C programming language

If you are familiar with the programming languages. Then this is very easy to understand this concept.

nowadays many companies asking this concept in the Technical rounds, so we need to clear this concept to get the place.

Question: Write a program to design the pattern based on

example n = 9



This is very easy to design, first of all, we need to analyse the pattern. This is the combination of * and blank space.

we only need to identify in which position we need to print and don't worry about the blank spaces.

 [ "-" represent a blank space][ and n = 9]

Here we can solve this in some steps

 (i) this program is the shape of a matrix. so we need to use two for loops to solve this problem.
     example 1

                         printf(" *");
                         printf("  ");//blank space

(ii) ith 1st and n(9)th index jth 1st and n(9)th index as we can see here, each position we need to print '*'.
    in the side loop condition, we can write it as below,
    example 2:

      if(i==1 || i==n || j==1 || j==n)
         printf(" *");
        printf("  ");

    then output comes like the box.

 (iii) now we need to draw like:
      here we can see it's printing * where-where ith index and
      jth index are equals except middle mean [(n/2)+1=5]
      so we can write code for this:
     example 3 :

        if(i==j && j!=(n/2)+1)
         printf(" *");
         printf("  ");

 (iv) Now last pattern, reverse of step(iii) pattern
     so here we can analyse it's decreasing order of jth index
     9,8,7,6,4,3,2,1 except middle means [n/2+1=5]
     For this we can write the condition:-

     example 4 :

       if(j==(n+1)-i && j!=(n/2)+1)
          printf(" *");
          printf("  ");

In the above example, we declared some variation of pattern based on condition.

Now we combined example3 and example4 to achieve like below


Now needs to add the condition as well 
example 5 :
       if(i==j && j!=(n/2)+1 || j==(n+1)-i && j!=(n/2)+1)
          printf(" *");
          printf("  ");

And finally, If we combined example 5 with example 2 then the output will be 

Final output:

Hence,  below the final code I am writing


void main()
 int n;
 printf("Enter num: ");

 for( i=1;i<=n;i++)
for(int j=1;j<=n;j++)

if(i==1 || j==1 || i==n|| j==n || i==j && j!=(n/2)+1 || j==((n+1)-i) && j!=n/2+1)

     printf(" *");
      printf("  ");


below is some output I have attached. 

I hope this has cleared your concept, if yes please add your valuable comments, like subscribe and share with your friends. Thanks 


  1. Replies
    1. Your most welcome bro...Thanks....for your Comments....

  2. nyc work.. Can you giv me some more pattern question asked in maventic.. thnks in advn

  3. can u suggest us which type of questions we expect from maventic

    1. Most probably in Maventic, they will ask pattern based question... and I am telling to one true thing of companies... mostly companies they ask logical based question... those question you can able to make using any programming language... so it's mean that ...only logical or pattern based question... becs they want to know who's logic is good... It's does not matter which language you are do it... I hope it will help you...all the best...

  4. how to write same code in java

  5. Thank you so much for giving me a such nice hint to make that type of pataran

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  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


  8. public class Pattern {

    public static void main(String[] args)
    int no=15;
    int n=(no+1)/2;
    int k=no;
    for(int i=1;i<=no;i++)
    for(int j=1;j<=no;j++)

    if(i==1 || i==no || j==1 || j==no || i==j || j==k+1)
    if(i==n && (j!=1 && j!=no) )
    System.out.print(" ");
    System.out.print(" ");



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